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   Permit Information Updated Sep 14th, 2024  
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Wells » Fracturing Fluid Composition Reports

To view a list of all wells with Fracturing Fluid Composition Reports, Click Here

Composition reports are submitted to the PA DEP by the drilling companies, and contain a detailed breakdown of the components contained in the fracturing fluids used to hydraulically fracture unconventional gas wells. Each report is tied to a specific gas well.

Composition Reports are available as Adobe PDF files:
View Sample Fracturing Fluid Composition Report

The images below are an example of a Fracturing Fluid Composition Report. You may view the full sized versions of the images below by clicking anywhere within the image.

Fracturing Fluid Composition Reports are free for Full Members, and may be added to your account by viewing the Detailed Well Report for a given well, and clicking on the "Add Free Report To My Account" link found to the right of the "Fracturing Fluid Composition Report:" descriptor.

After clicking on the "Add Free Report To My Account" link, the Composition Report(s) will be stored in your Member Account area, and remain available for viewing and download for a period of 7 days. You can access your Member Account area at any time by clicking on the "Your Account" link found at the top of every page. Limits may be placed on the number of reports available to one membership account.

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